The Coalition for Community Living Blog


The purpose of this blog is to spread the news of an incredible and under-utilized community mental health model known as the “Fairweather Lodge.”  (The “Lodge” model, sometimes known as the “Community Lodge,” is often referred to as the “Fairweather Lodge” in reference to the late George W. Bill Fairweather, who developed the model in the early 1960s.) 


Lodge Member of the Year!

A Post by Bill McHenry

Ron Forry is a Lodge Member’s Lodge Member.  He is a quiet yet very stable force at the East Street Lodge.  Ron has seen groups come and go, but he has been there to help new Lodge Members learn and grow.  Ron’s leadership is steady, and he leads by example. 

When Lodge members face issues, Ron assists by asking questions to lead the person to their answers.  He offers his wisdom and experience to the younger members, and assists them in seeing that there is usually more than one answer. 

He prioritizes his health, and thus models that care and concern to the others in his Lodge.  He is always ready to schedule them for transportation needs as he is the only person in the Lodge who drives at the moment.  He assures that his work for the Lodge business is carried out before anything else, and gives ample notice when he cannot avoid a conflict.  He is always willing to assist other employees when they have schedule issues.  All this year, a driver from another Lodge had scheduled himself for a group session on Saturday mornings.  When the person that driver transports regularly scheduled himself for overtime, Ron was always willing to do the Saturday morning trip.

This year, the Lodge Coordinator was out following two surgeries.  the group was pushed to change their medication routine to accept greater responsibility for it.  Ron did not hesitate, taking on the role of Med Captain to assure meds were held safely, and that each Lodge member who needed to do so packed their meds weekly.  Because Ron was willing to take on a new role, this Lodge is more interdependent than ever.  They do not rely on the sometimes capricious schedule of a Coordinator to be sure medications are available as prescribed for every Lodge Member.

In the past, Ron scheduled trips to high school football games, outings to stores, restaurants, and movies.  Just today, as I write this, Ron has another Lodge Member at a Farmer’s Market hunting down the best broccoli salad available. 

Ron makes the East Street Lodge a better place to live.

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