The Coalition for Community Living places particulate emphasis on the following beliefs:

1. The power and value of participant teams: specifically:

  • In the usefulness and appropriateness of organizing participants into teams;
  • That teamwork is as important as any other skill taught or learned in Psychosocial Rehabilitation;
  • That group dynamics are an omnipresent force and useful tool in Psychosocial Rehabilitation;
  • That interdependence is a more mature stage of human development than independence.

2. The ultimate responsibility for problem-solving rests with the participant team; practitioner input must be limited to consultation; never direction.

3. The usefulness and appropriateness of affirmative industries (i.e., consumer run business) as a strategy for achieving vocational and related Psychosocial Rehabilitation goals.

4. Increasing the social status of individuals diagnosed with psychiatric conditions should be a primary goal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation.

5. True empowerment flows only from responsibility. An individual’s role as a productive citizen has more significance for Psychosocial Rehabilitation than their role as a consuming citizen.

6. Community modification is an effective Psychosocial Rehabilitation strategy with respect to living arrangements.

7. The power and value of integrated services.

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